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Choose your plan
Choose the plan which will bring you to your language goals faster

no feedback

7 450 rub

  • access to all learning materials and video lessons for 3 months
  • (no feedback. you study by yourself)
  • interactive grammar trainer
  • weekly group webinars
  • 6 speaking clubs in mini-groups
  • unlimited questions during the course
  • all tasks of the course are checked
    • in-depth feedback and recommendations for improvement for you personally
    • 12 individual online lessons with Angela
      • easy upgrade to GOLD or PLATINUM plans (once you realise the course is right for you, just pay the remaining sum and join the GOLD or PLATINUM plan)
      with detailed feedback from Angela

      59 950 rub

      • access to all learning materials and video lessons for 3 months
      • unlimited questions during the course
      • all tasks of the course are checked
      • in-depth feedback and recommendations for improvement for you personally
      • interactive grammar trainer
      • weekly group webinars
      • 6 speaking clubs in mini-groups
      • personal learning plan
      • 12 individual online lessons with Angela (60 min)
      • Bonus 1: mini-course: the system of English tenses
      • Bonus 2: masterclasses from invited experts
      Within 24 hours after the payment you'll receive an email with further instructions.

      If you have any questions, send an email to
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